The new NATO will be a pared-down military organization. 新的北大西洋公约组织将是一个精简了的军事组织。
When you take a job or join a military organization, you agree to follow the leaders the organization puts in place. 当你拥有工作或者加入一个军事组织时,你答应跟随这些组织上分配的领导人。
One of the deep-seated reasons for this problem is the unreasonable element of the establishment system in military medical organization. 部队卫生医疗机构编制体制上存在的不合理因素是导致这个问题的深层次原因之一。
Wei and Suo were the subsidiaries of DuSi, a provincial military leading organization nowadays, which was governed by central military organization. 卫、所都隶属于都司(相当于今省一级的军事领导机构),各都司又分别归中央的五军都督府(左、右、中、前、后等军都督府)统辖。
Our military organization today bears little relation to that known of any of my predecessors in peacetime, or, indeed, by the fighting men of World War II or Korea. 但我们今天的军事组织和我的前任们在和平时期,甚至是二战或者韩战时期都有所不同。
Arab Military Industrialization Organization 阿拉伯军事工业化组织
Through the translation of Western military works and the adoption of advanced military organization and trainings, the modernization of china's military force was accelerated. 翻译西方军事著作,采用西方先进的军事编制与训练方法,加速了军队职能的近代化;
Further, the four classes formed the basis of a new military organization. 此外,四个阶级都是新的军队组织的基础。
Future military personnel must learn how to follow orders in order to ensure the success of the military organization as a whole. 未来的军事人员必须学会遵从命令,这样才能保证整个军事行动的胜利。
Disarmament is no mere arid question of military organization. 裁军绝不仅仅是军事组织的一个枯燥无味的问题。
A nation's entire military organization for sea warfare and defense, including vessels, personnel, and shore establishments. 海军一个国家对海上军事和防御的全部军事组织,包括船只,人员和海军机构。
He runs a private military organization. 管理一家私人军事组织。
Our main character belongs to a military organization that has developed advanced technology to combat the undead menace, and all of their weapons and vehicles share common visual themes. 主角属于一个军队,拥有先进的技术与不死族拼杀,军队中的所有武器和交通工应是一个视觉主题。
The Research on the Reform of the Chinese Central Military Organization in Late Qing Dynasty 清末新政时期中央军事机构改革研究
Do away with the military organization and potential of. 废除军事组织及武装。
But we are not a "cultural organization", we say, we have an army and are a" military organization ". 我们说,我们不是文化团体,我们有军队,是武化团体。
NATO and Russia, one is the biggest military organization in the world at present, and the other is a big country with great influence extending across two continents in Eurasia, and every gesture of them will affect the global sensitive nerve. 俄罗斯与北约,一个是地跨欧亚两洲并具有全球性影响的大国,一个是目前世界上最大的军事政治集团,它们的一举一动都将牵动全球敏感的神经。
Cavalry troop was the important arm of the services, And also the major component of the state military organization in Qing dynasty. 马队于清代兵制中占有重要地位,是清朝经制军队八旗、绿营的主要组成部分。
The Freedmen's Bureau was a military organization that dealt with the deserted land and freedmen's affairs in America's South Reconstruction. 自由民局是美国南方重建时期处理被遗弃土地及自由民问题的军事组织。它延续了内战时期军队实行的强制性劳动合同政策;
An Analysis of Military Organization Ontology 军事组织本体分析
By strengthening the interaction of military ceremonies, military and cultural structure of the military culture has been further consolidated the military ceremony for the formation and maintenance of the military organization has an invaluable role. 通过军队仪式对军队文化的强化互动,军队文化结构得到了进一步巩固,军队仪式对于军队组织的形成和维系有着不可估量的作用。
Financial services is to retired military cadres of the governing body of one of the core management, service management of military organization of retired cadres of various tasks to be fully successful completion of a reliable guarantee. 财务工作是军队离退休干部服务管理机构各项管理工作的核心之一,是军队离退休干部服务管理机构各项工作任务得以全面顺利完成的可靠保证。
The research on the reform of the central military organization has important meaning at the research on the course of Chinese modernization. 这一时期的中央军事机构改革研究对于研究中国近代化进程有着重要的意义。
This disquisition on the reform of the central military organization in the Late Qing Dynasty tries to make a more macroscopic and thorough overall research which based on the foundation of the existing research on the idiographic problem at the concrete military. 本文试图在已有的具体军事改革问题的基础上,作一个更加宏观和深入的全局性研究。
In spite of some limitation of this reform, it accomplished the modernization of the central military organization. It marked accomplishment of the Chinese military system modernization from the substance realm to the system realm. 这一改革虽然存在不少的局限性,但是大致上实现了中央军事机构的近代化,标志着中国军事近代化从器物领域到制度领域的一次升华。
Military named entity recognition is the precondition of analyzing and understanding military information and the more important basic work of the military information processing. In which military organization name recognition plays a very important role. 在军用信息处理中,进行军用命名实体的识别是一项非常重要的基础性工作,它是分析、理解和处理军用信息的前提,其中军事组织机构名扮演着相当重要的角色。
The distribution pattern of military human capital investment income depends on military organization and soldiers 'forces on negotiations between them. 军事人力资本投资收益分配格局取决于军队与军人谈判力的大小。
This kind of delegation model refers only to organizations with clear levels and high implementation capacity such as military organization, government and so on which may cause imbalance of system resources. 这种类型的委托授权经常应用于上下级层次明确、对执行力度要求较高的组织,如军事组织、政府组织等,但是也容易造成系统资源分配不均等问题。
The former is formed by hardware such as weapons and equipment of the fighting, while the latter is a military organization and cultural patterns formed by their fighting power. 前者是武器装备等硬件所形成的战斗力,后者则是军事组织文化形态所形成的战斗力。
As a military organization in the conventional meaning, after the end of the cold war and the collapse of the Warsaw Treaty, NATO still exists. 作为一个传统意义上的军事组织,北约在冷战结束、华约解散的情况下继续存在了。